Thursday, May 28, 2009

How to Retire a Millionaire by Age 45

I'm young...very young in relation to the world. 20. I still have a year until I can legally drink (even though I've had more than my I'm not to worried about it) I'm also super concerned with living a happy, prosperous life. I will admit I've not always been good with my money, I go through phases. But I am really interested in all these articles letting me know I can be a millionaire by the time I'm 45. humm......yea..If I live off Bread and Soy Cheese until then.
Lets see what the x'perts say....
  1. Start at age 21.

  2. Step 2: Invest $20,000 now at a 29 percent return rate until you are 45.

  3. Step 3:Or, invest $118,336 now at a 15 percent return rate until you are 45.

  4. Step 4: Or, invest the $20,000 now, plus $782 per month, at a 15 percent return rate until you are 45.
OOOHHHH ok, so I just gotta pony up a cool 20 grand OR 100 grand...and stick it in a bank..which bank?!? who knows OR 782 a month. This is all the article says...helpful yahoo...really helpful.
This is stressing me out...I'm going shopping.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah... if that's the case then I'm already a year and a half too late to get that started. I don't mind not being a millionaire as long as I can make a decent living.

Looking up ways to get rich is a headache, going shopping sounds like a much better option! LOL!

May 28, 2009 at 9:06 AM  
Blogger Laura said...

This is wonderful advice and especially with today's times we could all us this.

Come stop by and tell me what's in your make up bag today...

May 28, 2009 at 10:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually if you deposit 5,000 in my bank account. There is a strong possibility that I may get rich. Because if I can get you to do it odds are I can get other people to do it too.

May 28, 2009 at 1:43 PM  

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