Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Free Pastry at Starbucks Today

Thank you Facebook! Without I wouldn't have convinced my loving boyfriend to get out of bed and take me to Starbucks instead of using our trusted Coffee Pot! :D Facebook informed me late last night that Starbucks was giving away free pastries today! So with our sweats on, and some over-sized shades we got to Starbucks to discovered we needed a coupon. Needless to say, we obviously didn't have one. So we stood in line watching everyone flash their Iphones and pretty coupons, while we sulked all the way to the front. I ordered my Venti Iced Coffee w/ splash of soy and vanilla and walked away with my head hung. But, when I went to retrieve my coffee, the boyfriend had pastry in hand.
Me: "So you caved and bought the $3 pastry?"
BF: "No."
Me:"Ok, so did you pull an invisible coupon out of your pocket?"
BF:"No, I'm just good like that...she gave it to me."
Me:"Innappropriate...but good for you baby! Use what yo' mama gave you!"

We did get the free pastry after all; couponless and all. :D


Blogger kadler said...

Haha, that's awesome. I should stop by...

July 23, 2009 at 1:34 AM  

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