Sunday, July 26, 2009

oh Fail!

I'm sure many of you have seen the website Fail Blog which highlights people's fails in life. And if you don't think it is fall to the floor hilarious, there is something medically wrong with your humor receptors.
fail owned pwned picturesfail owned pwned pictures
I'm so happy we have people in the world like this to produce these fine works of human stupidity. Thank you to all of you who have provided me with much entertainment the last few hours of blogging and web surfing.

fail owned pwned pictures
(animals can do it too!)

fail owned pwned pictures
Where has THIS sign been all during my under 21 years!!!??

fail owned pwned pictures
Mannequin fail

fail owned pwned pictures
very true.

IF you haven't taken 10 minutes out of your day to check out this site (which will turn into 1-3 hours of laughing)
please do it soon!

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